
Thursday 8 July 2010

Free Streaming Music

Want good musc and don't want to pay for it?

Then stream it online for FREE at

we7 is an outstanding new music destination where you can listen to, share and discover music for FREE, legally and safely. You choose the music you want to hear and play full songs and albums online, on-demand at anytime. Best of all if you really like it the you can purchase the music so you can take with you wherever you go whether you write it to disc or put it on your iPods.

Sounds too good to be true right? Well here's a statement from we7 to explain why its FREE:

"This is aall mde possible by we7's unique and significant 'MediaGraft' technology that allows us to dynamically attach adverts to the beginning of each song you listen to. The 'MediaGraft' technology also creates new, targeted, advertising inventory which links the emotional power of music, creative short audio adverts and digital display ads (such as MPUs) together in such a way that digital effectiveness measurements increase significantly. These adverts are targeted at you, the user; the revenue generated from these adverts goes to artists, labels and other rights owners. You get music for free and the artist gets paid fairly - everybody wins."

Below is a link to a great album by a great band! Check them out on we7 and purhase their work on Amazon, and let us know your thoughts on the band and their music!
And don't foget to let us know what you think of the we7 service?
Attack! Attack! UK
Attack! Attack! UK

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